Welcome to The Hospital for Tropical Diseases official website

The Hospital for Tropical Diseases is a university hospital under the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University. Our faculty is a tropical medicine institute that has operated since 1961. From the beginning, we aim to be a specialized institute focusing in studying diseases mainly in the tropics making it the only faculty of its kind in Thailand. Each year we published numerous research articles in international journals. Moreover, the faculty operates the Hospital for Tropical Diseases which provide specialized medical care for Thai and foreigners mainly in tropical diseases, infectious diseases and varios diseases in Internal Medicien speciality. 

Our hospital specializes in providing services that treat tropical diseases, including malaria, parasitic diseases, liver diseases, and bacterial, viral, and fungal infectious diseases. Our fever clinic operated 24 hours a day which could offers 24-hour malaria lab examination. Our specialized clinics include the Travel Medicine Clinic (Thai Travel Clinic),  Gastrointestinal Clinic, Dermatology Clinic, Parasite Clinic, Liver Disease Clinic, Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic (acupuncture), and Traditional Thai Medicine Clinic. 

However, because The Hospital for Tropical Diseases is a specialized hospital, there is no surgical department, obstetrics and gynecology department, or emergency department in our hospital.



Thai Travel Clinic/ Vaccinations


Fever Clinic


Parasite Clinic


Traditional Thai/Chinese Medicine


The Hospital for Tropical Diseases


We are a specialized university hospital.

The Hospital for Tropical Diseases is a specialzed university hospital under the Faculty of Tropical Meidicne, Mahidol University. It has operated since 1960. 

We specialize in treating various tropical diseases

Our hospital is a center for treating malaria, dengue, influenza, parasitic diseases as well as various tropical diseases. We also provide medical care in Internal Medicine.

We are the leading institute in the field of Travel Medicine in Asia

Our hospital has a Thai Travel Clinic which provide comprehensive pre and post travel counseling, recommendation of travel vaccines, as well as diagnosis and treatment of tropical diseases. We also the center for Residency Training in Travel Medicine program.

Our hospital provide various health services.

Our services included 24-hours fever clinic, Travel Medicine Clinic, Dermatology clinic, Parasitic clinic, Traditional Thai/Chinese Medicine, and various Internal Medicine Clinics.

The Hospital is a teaching and research cernter in Tropical/Travel Medicine

Our hospital is a research center as well as a training center for doctors, researchers, medical students iin the field of Tropical and Travel Medicine.

We strive for excellence

In the past 60 years, the standard and quality of the hospital have been constantly improving, passing both national and global standards.